Project Partners

ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research

Frankfurt am Main, Germany 

About the ISOE

ISOE is one of the leading independent institutes engaged in sustainability research. For 35 years, the Institute has been providing background knowledge for decision-makers and viable concepts for the future directed at policy makers, the civil society and business/industry – both at regional and international level. ISOE currently employs around 60 members of staff, over 40 of whom work in a research capacity. Areas of research include water, energy, climate protection, mobility, urban space and biodiversity.


Florian D. Schneider
Project lead and local stakeholder contact

Deike Lüdtke
Workpackage lead

Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences – CzechGlobe

Prague, Czechia

About CzechGlobe

CzechGlobe is a public research institution. It focuses on issues of global change, in particular climate change with respect to climate trends and scenarios, impacts on ecosystems and the role of human society, including the impact of environmental change on quality of life and social behaviour. The aim of the Institute is to create new scientific knowledge as well as to translate it into practice for governmental institutions and public and private actors.


David Stella
Partner (CzechGlobe) project coordinator

Julia Mildorfova Leventon
Partner (CzechGlobe) project lead 

Eliška Tichopádová

Tomáš Baďura

Simona Zvěřinová
Project assistant and local stakeholder contact


Lund University

Lund, Sweden


Lund University, founded in 1666, is an institution of higher education and research. The university has a strong tradition of research within the fields of conservation biology, ecology, and ecosystem services including in the light of a changing climate. The Biological Institution hosts several national monitoring schemes and has a long tradition of engaging in applied and transdisciplinary research and collaborating with conservation authorities and practitioners.


Maj Rundlöf
Partner (ULUND) project lead and coordinator

Maria von Post
Partner (ULUND) project coordinator and local stakeholder contact

Hakim Abdi
Partner (ULUND) project team member and remote sensing expert

Henrik G. Smith
Partner (ULUND) project team member and local project support